Aqua Designs by Dave & NJ Pond Guys has specialized in design and construction of water features for commercial and residential clients for over a decade.
We provide dependable design, construction and maintenance service for fish and koi ponds, fountains and RainXchange rainwater harvesting systems. Water feature design is available.

We are licensed and fully insured for your protection. (NJ H.I.C. # 13VH09786800)
Experts in fish and aquatic plants, pond filtration, algae control, construction and maintenance of water features.
Aqua Designs by Dave & NJ Pond Guys is a full service pond and waterfall installation company. We build with care and passion. We design each pond, and waterfall, committed to the fantastic art of nature. We base our success, and reputation, on our strengths of honesty, integrity, and professionalism. Please contact us for a consultation today.
Experts in fish and aquatic plants, pond filtration, algae control, construction and maintenance of water features.
Aqua Designs by Dave & NJ Pond Guys is a full service pond and waterfall installation company. We build with care and passion. We design each pond, and waterfall, committed to the fantastic art of nature. We base our success, and reputation, on our strengths of honesty, integrity, and professionalism. Please contact us for a consultation today.
Certified Master Aquascape ContractorWe are a Certified Aquascape Contractor and we are among the most qualified and informed pond installers in the water gardening industry. See More.... |
Our most popular installations fall under one of these three categories...
Fountainscapes & Spitters
Fountainscapes are small decorative water features such as tabletop fountains, container water gardens, stand-alone fountains, bubbling urns, spitters, and fountains that incorporate an in-ground reservoir.
If you're interested in "testing the waters" of the water gardening hobby, a container water garden is a great place to start! They are generally used to add the sound of water to a deck or patio, but they also look great greeting visitors by the front door. But they don't just add beauty, they also give kids a fun way to learn about nature, and make a great starter "pond" for any young children interested in water. |
Pondless WaterfallsPondless® Waterfalls are simply a re-circulating waterfall and/or stream without the presence of a pond. You can enjoy the sight and sound of running water without the maintenance of a pond.
The waterfall is undoubtedly the most beautiful and favored feature in a water garden. If space is lacking in your yard or you have safety concerns with a pond, go Pondless®! The name basically explains it all. It’s a waterfall and stream, without the pond. So why would you want a waterfall without a pond? The truth is that a Pondless® Waterfall isn’t for everyone, but it can be a great alternative for someone who isn’t quite sure if a pond is right for their family. |
Ecosystem PondsEcosystem ponds can be easy to understand if you have a good grasp of what components go into a basic, functioning ecosystem. An ecosystem pond works with Mother Nature to provide food, shelter, and safety to the wildlife around it.
It’s important to remember, however, that every piece of the ecosystem puzzle must be present in order for a true ecosystem to be in place. Eliminate one of these elements and you’ve got an unbalanced ecosystem that won’t be so low-maintenance anymore. Check out the things you’ll need to get your ecosystem pond fired up: |
We install the Aquascape RainXchange System
![]() The earth is known as the Blue Planet for a reason, it's no surprise that water is a dominant part of our everyday lives. The worlds current challenge is to improve the planet's water quality and then maintain clean and healthy water that supports all life forms in our diverse environment.
Click Here to learn more about RainXchange |